The boat trip from Siam Reap to Phnom Penh took about six hours going across the Tonie Sap tidal lake which has quite a big floating village on it.At the start of the trip there were locals selling water and snacks for the trip if you waited right until the last moment when the boat leaves the dock you can get your snacks reduced right down to about 10% what they were hanging out for 15 min's before!
I sat on top the whole way,awesome.
We did a tour of the silver pagoda and the royal palace.
Chris and Debs got involved with some fitness dancing.
We stayed at the OK hotel,which was catered for western travellers and was'nt to bad,very laid back and did some good meals. Better than the plate of Tarantula's that was offered to us at the market.
The next day was a sombre one and a real eye opener at the killing fields of the Khmer rouge and a visit to the high school that was converted into a torture prison s-21, i dont want to go into much detail but the memories will stay with me for ever.
Next day we would be catching a bus to Saigon Vietnam.
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